The Chapter Leaders of WiRE UAE
Dr. Rahaf Ajaj is a highly qualified professional who holds a Ph.D. in the field of Environmental Radiation, M.Sc. in Radiation Physics and a B.Sc. In Medical Physics. She is an Assistant Professor at Abu Dhabi University. Tania Zepeda Luna is pursuing her M.Sc. in Energy at the Heriot-Watt University after working more than 17 years in the oil and as industry. Dana Darwish has a Masters degree in Renewable Energy Engineering and a Bachelors in Sustainable and Renewable Energy Engineering. She is currently an ESG Advisory Consultant at WSP. Dr. Suzan Shahin has a PhD in Horticultural Science, M.Sc. in Environmental Sciences, and a B.Sc. in Medical Physics. She is an Assistant Professor and Head of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center of Innovation at the Umm Al Quwain University.
Meet Dr. Rahaf Ajaj, Dana Darwish, Tania Zepeda Luna and Dr. Suzan Shahin, the women making an impact in the energy sector through their involvement with WiRE.
WIRE UAE Chapter Leads (from left to right): Suzan Shahin, Tania Zepeda Luna, Dana Darwish and Rahaf Ajaj
Involvement with the Industry
Along with being the WIRE UAE Chapter leaders, these ladies are actively involved and leaders in their respective careers.
Dr. Rahaf is a highly accomplished individual currently serving as an assistant professor at Abu Dhabi University in the United Arab Emirates. She specializes in Environmental Health and Safety, with a particular interest in radiation sciences and their environmental impact. In addition to her teaching responsibilities, Dr. Rahaf also serves as the leader of the Climate Change and Public Health Cluster for the Climate Change Research Network (CCRN) under the Ministry of Climate Change and Environment in the UAE. With over a decade of experience in the UAE's governmental sector, Dr. Rahaf has held numerous prominent positions including the HSE coordinator for the Supreme Petroleum Council (SPC) and as a Health Physicist in the Federal Authority for Nuclear Regulations (FANR), Overall, Dr. Rahaf's diverse experiences and expertise make her a valuable asset to the academic and governmental communities in the UAE.
After working several years in the oil and gas industry, Tania is furthering her education pursuing her MSc. in Energy at the Heriot-Watt University. She is passionate about her studies involving geothermal energy and aims to make this technology more scalable and globally used.
Dana Darwish is currently an ESG Advisory consultant at WSP. She is helping companies achieve their sustainability goals. She is a huge supporter and involved in the ongoing energy transition and hopes to avoid companies enabling ‘greenwashing’
Dr. Suzan Shahin is an Environmentalist and Horticultural Scientist, Assistant Professor and Head of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center at Umm Al Quwain University. She is an active researcher in Multi-disciplines and a pioneer in essential oils, with cited publications in Prestigious Journals in her field. She is a member of the climate change research clusters (CCRN) of the Ministry of Climate Change & Environment, UAE. Dr. Shahin is well-known for her sustainable initiatives related to Natural Conservations and Natural-based Solutions to Cope with Climate Change Implications. Nature (IUCN). Dr. Shahin won several awards related to research & innovation, and she is an influencer in social media platforms.
Involvement with WiRE
The Middle East is proving to be a promising hub for the Renewable Energy sector, and WiRE UAE is proud to have as members several Climate Change and Renewable Energy professionals.
Dr. Rahaf was the first member of the WiRE UAE committee. Tania then joined Rahaf after connecting on Linkedin. Dana was looking for an opportunity to give back and was excited to join the WiRE UAE team. Finally, Dr. Suzan joined December 2023 but said that even in a short time, her network and confidence has grown and she has experienced professional development.
The initial rollout of WiRE UAE involved getting CVs to get volunteers and setting up community meetings to see the people that were involved. In fact, at the onset of the first meeting, there was a lot of interaction. Tania says, “ They were not shy!”. Lots of ideas were shared and it was a great experience.
As more interactive meetups were taking place, it was clear that there were lots of educated and interested individuals in the community. There were already women leaders waiting to get involved.
WiRE UAE has also held international panel discussions featuring WiRE leaders from Jordan, Turkey, and West Africa, fostering collaboration and progress in the industry. WiRE UAE has also participated in The Middle East Energy Summit and are currently involved in activities related to the 2023 UN Climate Change Conference - COP28, being held in the UAE in December 2023.
The UAE Chapter leaders mention that whenever they host or present at conferences, people want to know more about WiRE UAE. They want to learn about WiREs outreach events and how to be more involved in the growing community.
Advice to young professionals
Everything has a purpose. If you are curious about a subject, and an atypical opportunity arises, take it! Remember, with the resources available nowadays, the information world is endless. Be willing to share ideas.
Joining WiRE UAE and attending their events is a great way to learn more about the clean energy industry, the environment and network with a diversified network.
Take every opportunity to network as you never know the outcome!
Closing Remarks
Just in time, UAE has declared 2023 as the Year of Sustainability!. They aim to take meaningful actions today to maintain a healthy environment for the next generation.
Dana, Dr. Rahaf, Tania, and Dr. Suzan are engaged in leading the WiRE UAE team. They encourage both students and young professionals interested in learning and implementing sustainability goals with renewable energy. They are excited to see what the future holds and hope to engage and grow the WiRE UAE community.
Article Written by: Michelle Pais, 2023