Enlit Africa
Africa's Just Energy Transition is gaining pace across the continent, with a diverse mix of local off-grid, municipal IPP's and utility scale projects coming to launch. South Africa is witnessing an unprecedented wave of commercial and residential off-grid projects being planned and installed. It is an exciting time to see the evolution unfold. Connect with industry leaders to learn, engage and be inspired at Enlit Africa.
Connect with >250 producers, suppliers and service companies for your power & energy project plannning. EXHIBITOR LIST
Benefit from FREE-to-attend, CPD accredited workshops on the Expo Floor. KNOWLEDGE HUBS
Attend the conference as a delegate and enjoy the concierge-led match-making service and let us connect you to opportunity with your next business partner. CONFERENCE DELEGATE
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
The UNFCCC is leading the global charge against climate change. Born from the 1992 Earth Summit, this international treaty unites nearly every country on Earth in a shared mission: to prevent dangerous human interference with the climate system. Through global collaboration, the UNFCCC fosters agreements, sets targets, and drives action to stabilize greenhouse gas emissions and safeguard our planet for future generations.