Jennifer Green

Director of Competitions and Business Development, Skills Ontario


Jennifer Green is recognized for her remarkable journey in a male-dominated field, leaving an indelible mark as a pioneer for women in non-traditional careers in skilled trades. Transitioning from a red seal industrial mechanic millwright, her journey is marked with a commitment to advocacy and leadership in the skilled trades community.

In her capacity as the Director of Competitions and Business Development at Skills Ontario, a not-for-profit leader in Ontario promoting skilled trades and technologies to youth, Jennifer assumes the key leadership role in orchestrating Canada's largest skilled trades event, the Skills Ontario Competition. She effectively manages with her team a comprehensive operation, supervising a diverse array of components, including 2,680+ competitors engaged in 75+ contests, coordinating the efforts of 850+ volunteers, and 47,000 visitors spanning across 500,000 sq.ft. Providing a platform for hands-on experiences and immersive engagements, the event plays a pivotal role in shaping the career aspirations of the next generation.

In 2020/21, Jennifer was appointed chair of a team of Apprenticeship Youth Advisors working with Ontario's Minister of Labour, Immigration, Training, and Skills Development on a provincial strategy to attract more youth to skilled trade careers. The final report, Supporting an Accessible and Inclusive Skilled Trades and Apprenticeship System in Ontario, resulted in a $90M investment in direct response to the report by the Ontario government. It includes the introduction of a professional development day on skilled trades for guidance educators, and the new compulsory grade 9 or 10 Technology and the Skilled Trades courses starting 2024-25 school year.

Among her accolades, she has been presented with the Colleges Ontario Premier’s Award, WXN Canada's Most Powerful Women Award, Universal Women's Network Women of Inspiration Award, and the Conestoga College Alumni of Distinction Award


Paulina Musalem


Nicola Falcon