Nicola Falcon

Group Manager, Victorian Planning & Connections


Nicola leads diverse and inclusive teams, applies systems thinking to problem solving, and provides critical thought leadership to help navigate the energy transition to net zero emissions. 

In her current role as Group Manager, Victorian Planning & Connections, Nicola leads a multi-disciplinary team enabling the energy transition in Victoria by planning and determining investment in major transmission projects, network and non-network services and managing the connections process for new generators and loads.     

A key element of this role is to liaise with Victorian Government, regional communities, consumer groups, network service providers and developers to create a shared vision of the future power system that allows renewable generation to be harnessed to provide Victorians with reliable, secure, affordable and sustainable electricity.  

Joining AEMO in 2014, Nicola has more than 20 years’ experience in the energy and environment sectors in Australia, New Zealand, Asia, Africa and North America. She is also one of Australia’s Equality Initiative Ambassadors and was nominated for the role due to her international experience and her dedication to gender diversity in the sector.


Jennifer Green


Maureen Shuell