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Energy Council of Canada - Energy Story 2023 Call for Hydrogen Submissions

Energy Council of Canada - Energy Story 2023 Call for Hydrogen Submissions

This year’s edition of Canada’s Energy Story from the Energy Council of Canada (ECC) will feature stories about where we are and we’re going in Canada with hydrogen. We invite organizations and individuals who are working in the development, production, distribution, or use of hydrogen to share their stories.

Each year ECC compiles industry stories illustrating a different energy-related theme. The document is posted on our website and is also promoted through our social media outlets (Mailchimp and LinkedIn). It is your opportunity to communicate with a broad public what is going on in your part of the energy sector.
As in the past, you will write Canada’s Energy Story. We ask you to contribute accounts of your organization and its members that illustrate how your activities relate to the year’s theme. We will assemble the submissions into the final product.

Canada, along with many other nations, has committed to ambitious GHG emission reduction goals. We have diverse resources to draw on to pursue these targets. However, for all economies, there are fossil fuel-based energy supplies that are especially challenging to replace because they are uniquely suited to their existing use. Hydrogen development might be the most promising area to explore to meet these challenges. We invite you to share with the public, through Canada's Energy Story, what is happening in this exciting field. 


If you want to contribute to Canada's Energy Story, please complete a submission form. Once both the form and article have been submitted, the relevant information will be transferred to the document’s design template. ECC will send each contributor a formatted draft of their article to make final edits before publication.

The process is as follows:

  • Complete the submission form.

  • The form will ask for the article's title and a preliminary150-word abstract.

The completed article submission should comprise these elements:

  • Word file (docx).

  • Maximum 1,800 words

  • High resolution logo file

  • High resolution images and graphics (at your discretion)

Follow this link to see Canada's Energy Story 2022 as a reference.

There are also opportunities to advertise your organization in Canada’s Energy Story. Advertising opportunities are available in this year’s publication, including Full-Page, Half-Page and Quarter-Page options. Contact if you are interested and would like to learn more or if you have any questions about Canada’s Energy Story.

David McGrath | | 613-532-7343


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