Elizabeth Buckmaster

Vice President, Strategic Client Relations, Solestiss


Beth is the vice president, strategic client relations for Solestiss a women-owned management consulting firm in the clean energy industry and is a recognized relationship builder with 15 years of experience in the power sector. Beth helps businesses and markets grow through the development and management of strategies that drive increased brand awareness, market access and growth. 

Beth is passionate about creating positive change through a more diverse and inclusive clean energy sector and is proud to work for a firm that takes pride in championing gender diversity within the energy industry. A recognized leader in advancing women in the energy sector Beth is a past recipient of the Organization of Canadian Nuclear Industries (OCNI) Balance Means Business award and was recognized as one of the 100 women leading Canada’s energy transition in 2022. 

Beth is an active industry member and is a board of director for the Canadian Hydrogen Association and serves as vice-chair.


Francis Bradley


Carol McGlogan