Sarah Rosenblat

WiRE Canada East Chapter

Chapter Leader

Nova Scotia, Halifax


Sarah came to the energy transition down through the energy efficiency pathway. Her first position in the energy sector was for Thinkwell Shift, a partner of Efficiency Nova Scotia that installed energy-efficient products such as LED light bulbs and water saving measures in customer’s homes. Moving on to Green Schools Nova Scotia, she created resources for children of all ages to learn about energy efficiency. She now works for SWEB Development on community-scale renewable energy projects, including several solar and wind projects in the Atlantic region of North America. Sarah is also a strong advocate internally at SWEB for greater diversification, in particular offering stronger support for women in the renewable energy industry. She recently guided SWEB’s commitment to the Equal-by-30 Campaign and helped create the company’s first equity, diversity and inclusion plan.


Sara Allahverdiyeva


Selen Inal