Selen Inal

WiRE Turkiye Chapter Leader

Kurucu | Founder
EcoMuse Danışmanlık | EcoMuse Consulting


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Selen İnal is the founder of EcoMuse Consulting, a 360-degree consulting services provider in the areas of Clean Energy and Green Transition. She is also the Country Advisor, Türkiye of EIT InnoEnergy, an independent body of the European Union and the largest sustainable energy innovation ecosystem in the world. She has 20+ years of experience in energy business including power plant investments (natural gas, hydro, solar, wind and biogas for more than 2200 MWs), energy solutions, electricity trading, electricity market, engineering & design, investor relations and project finance; approaching projects from technical, financial, legal, and commercial point of views. She consulted foreign major renewable energy companies and international financial institutions. Moreover, as a chemical engineer with process background she developed business for 1 GW/year integrated PV manufacturing plant and collected considerable amount of sustainability investment projects of resource efficiency (energy efficiency, water efficiency, raw material efficiency & waste management) in various sectors of industry to be financed by the IFIs. She is also specialized in green transition, green investments and ESG, being especially strong in creating new markets, developing attractive business models, introducing new technologies and closely following new trends such as decarbonization, electrification, digitalization, e-mobility, distributed generation, and energy storage. She has been active in the entrepreneurship ecosystem since 2009 having various roles as mentor, trainer, jury and advisor.


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