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WiRE and WISEe present Financing for Climate Technology SME Businesses through a Gender Lens

Are you a small or medium enterprise (SME) in Africa looking for financing opportunities to scale up your climate technology projects? Do you want to learn how to apply a gender lens approach to climate finance and promote women empowerment in the renewable energy and climate sectors? If yes, then this event is for you!

Join us at the UNCC Africa Climate Week on Wednesday, September 6, 2023, at 9:15 am for a special event WiRE & WISEe Present Financing for Climate Technology SME Businesses through Gender Lens. This event is organized by Women in Renewable Energy (WiRE) and Women in Sustainable Energy and Entrepreneurship (WISEe), two networks that support women entrepreneurs and professionals in the renewable energy and climate sectors.

The event will feature opening remarks from Madeleine Diouf Sarr, the Head of the Climate Change Division in Senegal’s Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MEDD), who will share her perspective on the role of gender in climate policy and action. You will also hear from two inspiring speakers: Marie Badiane, a climate finance specialist, and Angelica Waweru, an energy entrepreneurship business owner. They will share their insights and experiences on how to access and leverage climate finance for SMEs, while also applying a gender lens approach to ensure that women are included and benefited from climate technology projects.

After the seminar you will have a chance to meet the speakers and network with others who are interested in or working on climate technology and gender issues, and to learn more about the resources and tools available to support your climate technology projects.

Please be aware, you must register with ACW 2023 to attend this event.

Please register here

If you are already registered with ACW 2023, let us know you are attending our seminar by registering here

WiRE & WISEe Eventbrite Registration

For any questions about the WiRE & WISEe joint event, please contact us

Don’t miss this chance to learn from the experts and practitioners, and to connect with other like-minded people who are passionate about advancing climate technology and gender equality in Africa. Register now and join us for this exciting event!

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